When figuring out the best way to approach any potential battle there are lots of things to consider. Which angle of attack is best? Who should I focus on first? Can I do a superhero landing? What animal should I ride in on?

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Eve Online Beginner’s Guide – An New Players Guide to Help You Get Started
This is it; you’re finally ready to make a name for yourself amongst the stars. Not only are you ready, but you are also bursting at the seams just to get started. The only problem is you’re feeling a bit lost!
Path of Exile Classes – Which Is the Best Class for You?
It is finally time to begin Path of Exile, one of the most incredible free-to-play MMORPGs in the last few years. The only trouble is you don’t know which of the Path of Exile classes is for you. Which is the best class for your playstyle?
Path of Exile Levelling Guide – Be the Very Best That You Can Be as Fast as Possible
Taking the ideal path through a game is a good way to get to the endgame, the place where in many MMORPGs the game truly begins. We have put together this Path of Exile levelling guide to help you take the optimum route through the game.
Path of Exile Beginners Guide – How To Find Your Footing In This Sprawling World
This Path of Exile guide will introduce you to the basic concepts you will need to make it through the game. So if you've always wanted to take a stab at the game but never felt you were quite ready read on!
A Skyforge Beginners Guide – Where to Start and What to Do
You’ve decided to enter the pantheon of the gods and become divine yourself. The only trouble is that you don’t know where to start. After all, it can’t be all that simple to shed these mortal chains and become something so much more, can it?
A Guide To Guild Wars 2 Builds – Suggestions For Planning Your Character Builds
Sometimes you want to know how to put together a character ahead of time. That’s exactly why we’ve put together this little guide to Guild Wars 2 builds. Here are just a few examples of the kind of thing you can aim for.
A Guild Wars 2 Guide – Start Your Journey Off Strong
Guild Wars 2 has been around so long that it may seem impossible to get into. Thankfully we have a Guild Wars 2 guide for you to get you started in the right way. So let us help you find your way through the murky early stages of the game!